Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Too Cold

This January the weakening of the Polar Vortex is allowing a mass of frigid air to stray south. Toronto often avoids the very low temperatures that occur in most other parts of Canada. But not these days. When I awoke this morning, the temperature was -24 degrees; add in the wind chill and the reading was -39. Perhaps a bit too cold for cycling...

Each winter is the same. Through October, November, and December, as the temperature sinks, I continue to ride regularly, gradually getting used to the cold. But the cold I refer to is usually in the -10 to +10 range. If I dress properly, I’ll be fine.

In January or February, though, there is usually a cold snap that breaks my, and most other people’s, cycling routine. When I have decided that it’s too cold or snowy for cycling, I'll notice a few hardy types still riding their bikes for another day or two. (I’d tip my hat to them, but by that point I’d rather not remove it because of the cold.) But eventually, even these tough people have had enough, and the streets are temporarily without cyclists.

It’s not just the cold that prevents cycling. When it gets really cold, there is just too much ice on the streets. It really would be dangerous on a bike. Throw in the stiff arctic wind we had today, and cycling is out of the question.

I look forward to getting back on my bike. It is so convenient and is such a good way to exercise. The forecast shows I might be able to ride again in two days. But riding today is right out.